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TOTA Day at the Capitol
Tuesday, February 04, 2025, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM CST
Category: Statewide

The next TOTA Day at the Capitol is February 4, 2025 

TOTA Day at the Capitol is our Legislative Advocacy Day and is open to everyone, members and non-members, students and practitioners. Register now and plan to attend the virtual orientation on January 28, 2025 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM CST.  Registration is required for all participants.  By registering this helps us to schedule meetings with legislators and staff.
Click Here and Register Today 

Enroll in the Virtual Orientation

Would like a Ride?
The Texas Chapter of the National Black OT Caucus has organized round trip bus transportation for the Houston area.


Pick up : HCC West Loop Campus. 5601 W Loop S. Houston, Tx 77081
Leaving Houston at 5:30 AM 
Cost: $55 round trip + +$1.38 service fee.
There are a few available seats, the deadline to purchase has been extended.   
This ticket includes round trip transportation, water, and snacks 
Leaving Austin at 4:30 PM

Contact: [email protected]